T h e A r t i s t
Kayla Sabo is a freelance illustrator currently based out of Eatonville, Wa. She is self-taught and has dreams of working as a full time artist one day. For now, she shares her time between her business, her day job and her growing family. She has been drawing for as long as she can remember and fantasy themes have been a major influence in her life for just as long. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, she finds a lot of her inspiration in the magical elements of nature and she loves, even more, to convey that magic in her work. Her art often includes things like mushrooms, witches, superheroes, fantasy creatures, spooky elements and everything in between. She is most known for her vivid colors, bold line work and attention to detail.
She creates with the dream that her art will instill a spark of inspiration in her viewers and her hopes are that that spark will lead them to find that life is best enjoyed with creativity and a little bit of whimsy.
Kayla is a mom, wife, barista and hobbyist when she is not working on her art. Other things she enjoys doing in her free time are hiking, singing, antique shopping, finding new creative outlets and studying her favorite artists on social media.